21 Questions to Ask a Guy to Get to Know Him Better

Dating can be a daunting experience, especially when it comes to getting to know someone better. One way to make the process easier is by asking 21 questions with a guy.

Asking questions not only helps you get to know the person, but also helps you figure out if he’s interested in getting to know you better. These 21 questions will help spark interesting conversations and can reveal whether he’s worth pursuing or not!

Questions to Ask a Guy When Dating

When you’re dating someone, getting to know them is key. Asking the right questions can open up new conversations and help you both get to know each other better.

Tips for Asking Thoughtful Questions

When it comes to asking thoughtful questions on a date, there are a few tips that can help. Focus on open-ended questions – these will give you more insight into the other person’s thoughts and opinions. Consider asking follow up questions based on their answers – this will show them that you are actively listening and engaging in the conversation.

Always be sure to avoid intrusive or leading questions, as these can come across as too aggressive or intimidating. By keeping these tips in mind when asking questions during a date, you can create an environment of open communication and connection with your partner.

Benefits of Starting Conversations with 21 Questions

Starting conversations with 21 questions is an effective way for someone interested in dating to get to know a potential partner. Here are some of the benefits:

  • It creates a find local nudes comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Asking someone 21 questions gives them the opportunity to share more intimate details about themselves, fostering deeper connections and allowing both parties to learn more about each other. This helps people feel more at ease with one another and encourages meaningful conversation rather than superficial small talk.
  • It helps create trust between two people by giving them the chance to open up and share their thoughts and feelings without feeling judged or uncomfortable.


Fling.com is a popular dating site that offers users the opportunity to meet new people and find compatible partners for relationships, friendships, and casual encounters. It also has a section devoted to 21 Questions with a Guy – an online game designed to help users get to know someone better. The game consists of twenty-one questions about different topics such as family, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes. Users can either answer the questions themselves or ask their match to answer them in order to learn more about each other.


WellHello is a great online dating site that makes it easy to connect with potential partners. It has a variety of features that make it easier for users to find someone they’re interested in, such as 21 questions. This feature allows you to get to know your potential match better before deciding if they’re the right person for you.

You can ask anything from simple questions like What do you do for fun? to more complex ones like What would be your ideal strategies for approaching a straight girl as a lesbian first date?.


The dating site Geek2Geek is a great place to find someone with similar interests and who shares your passions. It’s a great way to meet guys who are into the same things you are, whether it be gaming, sci-fi movies, comics, or anything else.

With so many users on the site, it can be easy to find someone with the same interests as you. When asking questions on Geek2Geek there are plenty of topics that could come up.

What’s the most creative way you’ve been asked out on a date?

One of the most creative ways I’ve been asked out on a date was by a guy who wanted to get to know me better. He sent me 21 questions to answer about myself, which he said would help him decide whether or not we should go out. The questions ranged from simple things like my favorite color and movie, to more personal ones like how I handle stress and what kind of person I want in a partner.

What do you find most attractive in a potential partner?

I appreciate someone who is confident, driven, and has a good sense of humor. That combination makes for an attractive partner!

What’s your ideal first date night activity?

My ideal first date night activity would be to sit down and ask each other 21 questions. It’s a great way to get to know someone, learn about their interests, and have some fun conversation. I think it could be really special for us to take the time to get to know each other on a deeper level.
